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The game consists of two teams of two people each throwing dice to score points. The first team to 10 points (must win by at least 2 points) wins.

You need a wooden table (roughly 1.5 feet high, 4 feet long, and 2 feet wide. hard wood is preferred so you don't ruin the table), 4 chairs, 2 dice, a line (shoe string, bungie cord, anything that spans the width of the table and will move when hit), and then your drinks. All drinks must be in the same type of container (cup, can, or bottle).

Place the line in the middle of the table as shown on the diagram, and sit on the same side of the line as your teammate. Your beer can be placed on your side of the table at any spot, but it is recommended that you put the in the positions shown on the diagram. You will want at least a few feet of room on every side of the table for room to catch/run/dive. Also there must be NOTHING ELSE on the table. See the diagram below:



Once everything is setup and everyone is sitting down, you will roll dice to see which team gets to throw first. Have player 1 from each team roll a die, higher score wins. In the case of a tie, player 2 from each team will then roll against each other, and this continues until there is a winning roll.

The next step is to play the game. If team 2 won the roll, for example, they will get the first 2 throws of the game. The order of who throws first on your team does not matter and can be changed at any time, as long as you throw both dice during your team's turn within the rules.

4. THROWING (offense)
Beer die is a gentleman's game, so you are required to wait a reasonable amount of time between your team's throws so the other team can be ready.

Throwing the die is a very specific motion and has several rules. If any of the following rules do not happen, your team gets a FAULT, which you can read about in the next section.
0. All cans/cups must be on the table. If any can/cup is off the table when you throw it is considered a fault. See the "pausing the game" information in section 9.
1. You must place the die in your hand in the middle of your flat palm facing up and cannot "grab" it.
2. You must throw in a motion where your hand does not go past the edge of the table.
3. You cannot intentionally spin the die.
4. When the die is in flight, it must go higher than all four players' heads at the table (everyone must be sitting).
5. The die cannot hit the ceiling. If the die hits the ceiling, it is a fault.
6. The die must go past the center line. If the die HITS the center line, it is considered a fault.
7. The die must hit the opposing team's side of the table. If the die hits your side or misses the table, your team gets a fault.

If your team gets a fault, that throw is immediately disqualified from getting points. The die, while in motion, may still be able to reward drinks (by hitting the other team's cups), but cannot score any points for you. After a fault, your team must drink, the other team places the die behind their beer, and then your team continues throwing until the end of your turn. If your team gets a fault, your team must DRINK the amount explained in section 8.

If you realize, while the die is in the air, that your throw will result in a fault, you can (without leaving your seat) attempt to swat the die in flight towards the other team's cans. If the die hits their cans, it results in a social (your team drinks because of the fault, the other team drinks because it hit a can). Still, no points can be rewarded from this because the throw was already disqualified from getting points because it was a fault.

You can only get points when you are throwing (on offense). You get a point in the following situations:
1. You throw a legal throw and the die hits the ground without being caught.
2. You throw a legal throw and the die hits the top of the other team's beer can and bounces up (or lands in the cup, if you're using cups). These throws are "toppers" and, once they happen they are immediately a point, regardless of a catch afterwards. Toppers can occur on the fly, or by first bouncing off of the table (as long as it is not already a fault). In the case of a topper, the opposing team must finish their entire beer.

7. CATCHING (defense)
When the other team is throwing, your team is catching (playing defense). This is probably more important than offense, because most points are scored by people dropping catches. Learn how to catch. If the other team throws a valid, non-fault throw, you must catch it before it hits the ground. Here are some of the rules:

1. If the die hits the side of your can/cup, the throw is then considered over (no points can be scored) and you do not need to catch the die, but your team must drink (see drinking rules section 8) before the next throw.
2. If the die hits the top of your can and bounces up (or goes into your cup) the other team gets a "topper" point and you do not need to catch the die, your team has to finish your entire beers, and the throw is considered over.
3. If the die hits the table correctly and avoids the cans and you do not catch the die and it hits the ground, the other team gets a POINT.
4. If you successfully and legally catch the die, you should place it immediately behind your beer so you have two free hands, and the other team's turn continues.
5. If the die comes to a rest on the table without falling off, it's considered a "catch" and you can move it behind your beer (boring).
6. If the die lands in your chair, it is considered a "catch" and you can move it behind your beer.

There are several rules about catching:
1. You must wait for the die to first hit the table, and bounce "off" the table before you can catch it.
2. If you touch the die while it is in flight over the table but do not sucessfully catch it, it is considered a drop and a point for the other team.
3. If you touch the die while it is in flight over the table and sucessfully catch it, you will be penalized with the following: (a) your team must drink (b) your team is given an "over the table" warning which immediately gives the other team (c) re-throws for the number of dice that have already been thrown in the current turn MULTIPLIED BY the number of over-the-table warnings your team has in the current game. The maximum number of re-throws is capped at 4. For example: if your team has already caught one die over the table on a previous turn and your team catches another die over the table, the opposing team will get two additional throws if it was their first throw of the turn, or four additional throws if it was their second throw of the turn.
4. If a legal throw hits the table, bounces off, and you attempt to catch the die but end up knocking it back over the table, everyone must again wait for it to bounce "off" the table before anyone can catch it. In this situation, if the defensive team catches the die over the table they will be penalized exactly the same as in part 1 of this section. If the offensive team catches the die over the table the throw will be considered a fault. After initial contact with the die, even if the die goes back over the table, physical contact between opponents is considered legal because the die has already been bobbled.
5. If you attempt to catch the die and touch it but it ends up landing back on the table and coming to a rest, the other team gets to re-throw that die.
6. If you attempt to catch the die but begin to bobble the die in the air, the offensive team can then leave their seats and attempt to hit/knock-you/kick-you-in-the-throat to get you to drop the die. The only time in which the team on offense can leave their seats is when the catching team begins to bobble the die.
7. Be reasonable about catches. If a player maintains possession of a catch for several seconds without moving, they are then allowed to move to find/retrieve the die. If they drop it after this point is it still considered a catch because the play was already over.

An onside kick is a rare but possibly game-changing event. If the team on defense attempts to catch the die but instead ends up hitting it up into the air (the team on defense MUST touch the die for this to happen), the team that threw the die can then leave their seats and attempt to catch the die as well. If the throwing team catches the die in the air, they get a point AND they get to throw that die again. If you're on defense and you end up hitting the die into the air in a way that the other team may be able to catch it, you should try like hell to go catch it or knock it away from the other team. If the throwing team attempts to catch an onside kick, but the die ends up falling to the ground, it is still considered a point for their team, but they do not get an additional throw.

Any time that you drink, you drink as a team. This means if your partner throws a fault, you both drink. If your partner's cup gets hit by the opposing team's throw, you both drink. When you are forced to drink, the game MUST wait until you finish your allotted amount of drinking. This means if your team throws a fault with the first throw, you have to drink before you can throw your second throw.

You are supposed to finish your beer in six "drinks," meaning after six things happen that force you to drink, your beer should be gone and you should get a new one. You drink "one" in the following situations:
1. Your team throws a fault.
2. The other team's throw hits the side of one of your team's cans (regardless of if it's a fault or not).

If there is a fault thrown and it hits the other team's can, this is basically a "social" where no points are awarded, but everyone at the table must drink. If a throw hits multiple cans, each can counts as "one" drink for the team that owns the can. This means if a throw hits Team 1 Player 1's can and bounces and hits Team 1 Player 2's can, Team 1 drinks double. If the die somehow bounces back and hits the throwing team's can, the throwing team has to drink (and the throw cannot score any points).

You finish your beer (or optionally take a shot) in the following situations:
1. The other team throws a die that hits the top of your can and bounces up (or lands in your cup). Regardless of the throw being a fault, you must finish your beer for this. If the throw is a fault they will not be rewarded a point, but you still have to drink.
2. You throw a die that somehow lands in your own cup/bounces off the top of your own beer. If you do this you're an idiot and you deserve to drink.

There are several rules that do not fit into the sections above, but are important parts of the beer die rules.
1. Screening. If your team throws the die legally and it hits the opposing team's side of the table and begins to roll back towards you, you can "screen" the other team. This means you can (without leaving your seat or touching the other team or touching the die) put your hands in their field of vision when the are attempting to track and catch the die to hopefully obstruct their vision and cause a drop. If you somehow touch the other team or the die before the defender touches the die, it is considered Pass Interference.
2. Pass interference. If your team is on offense and a throw is in progress, you are not allowed to touch the other team or the die until they have touched the die. If you touch the other team, or the die, or leave your seat, it is considered pass interference and the throw will be nullified and not reward any points. The only case in which the team on offense is allowed to touch the other team, catch the die, or leave their seat is if the opposing team bobbles (touches but does not immediately catch) the die.
3. Pausing the game. If anyone takes their can/cup off the table, the game is considered "paused." This can be used to go to the bathroom, drink, or refill beers etc. This also means that whenever anyone is drinking, the game is automatically paused because their cup is off the table. If anyone throws while the game is paused (regardless of which team paused the game), the throw is immediately considered a fault and the team that threw must drink. You CANNOT pause the game while the other team is already in the throwing motion. Don't be an idiot.

The first team to 10 points wins, but you must win by at least 2 points. This means if the score is 10-9, your game goes into "overtime" and continues until either team is ahead by 2 points.